Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Here we go...

Inspired by a colleague and a friend, I've decided to give this a try. After all, one more opinion can't hurt right? So instead of risking offense and embarrassment to everyone within earshot, I'll try to keep it limited to those that dare frequent this blog. I tend to be very free with my thoughts on subjects dear to me, but I've caught myself being more guarded in recent years for a variety of reasons. However, now that I have my own little world, the gloves are off!

What to expect? To be honest, I haven't given it a great deal of thought. With that said, it's probably a safe assumption that I'll stick to what I know and hopefully that will be enough to keep to content fresh. If that doesn't pan out, I'll just have to resort to plan B (plan B?).

What not to expect? Political correctness. I'm not even completely sure what that means, but I've been told that I have none. Writing skills....... mine are pathetic. I'm an engineer, not Ernest Hemingway. I tend to have very strong opinions so don't expect me to handle any topic with kid gloves.

Comments are welcome, but let's keep it PG. If your comments/opinions are good, I will likely write them off as my own later. If your comments suck, well...... we'll cross that bridge when the time comes.

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